Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Go G.A.L.S.!!!

For those of you who don't know, I am part of a great group started by my sister. We are Operation Baking G.A.L.S. (Give A Little Support). We bake for soldiers stationed in war zones, whether we know them or not. We are so proud do be able to do something for those who are serving our country. They don't always get the credit they deserve, so we are trying to do something to rectify that.
This month I baked for Christopher Handy of the 10th Mountain Division stationed in Iraq. I hope he and his troops enjoy the cookies and brownies.

M&M Chocolate Chip Cookies

Caramel Brownies

My little taste-testers

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Issues

Okay. I know I've already posted something today, but I've got a problem. If I have to look at the puny Chinese diver Wang Xin one more time, I think I'm gonna be sick. The child is 16 (barely) years old and weighs in at a mere 62lbs. 62! My 5 year old weighs 58! Since when is malnurishment a good thing to teach our young athletes? I have become a believer that if an Olympian were to be checked out by a doctor and found to be severly underweight they should not be allowed to participate.
I mean come on...62 lbs?
I'm done ranting now.

Doctor's Visit

Well, I had my 20 week check-up on Monday. The doctor said that the baby looked fine on the ultrasound. He's a little big measuring at 21 weeks and weighing in at 11oz. Apparantly, though, I'm even bigger measuring at 23 weeks. So, I don't know if I'm 20, 21, 23 weeks or if I should just say I'm 22 weeks and use the only number they didn't give me. Who knows? I have gained back 2 of the pounds I lost at the beginning, so she said that while I need to gain more she is glad to finally see an increase. And here I thought I was taking on blimp proportions. I know I can't wear my jeans without leaving them unbuttoned and tying them together with a string.
Well, better go. The longer I sit the more he moves and it kind of makes me a little sea-sick. I hope this update makes my sister happy as I'm trying to do better with my blogging!

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's a boy!!

I know what you're all thinking. How many boys can one person have. Well, at least 3. We found out today and everything looks good. He's healthy and has no desire to sit still. He moved around the entire time. The due date is still January 5th. I hope he decides to be a little early and I can write him off on my taxes for this year! Well, here he is hiding his face as best he can. Enjoy and Love to all!

Here's some profile shots and him just being cute. He's a sweetie!